142 &Customize... 143 Large icons 144 Small icons 145 Lock the Toolbars 146 Separator 147 No text labels 148 Show text labels 149 Selective text on right 150 Close window\nClose 151 Maximize window\nMaximize 152 Minimize window\nMinimize 153 Restore window\nRestore 154 &Windows... 33001 Customize the toolbar\nCustomize 33002 Manages the currently opened windows\nWindow List 33003 Lock the sizes and positions of the toolbars 58112 Close print preview mode\nClose 58113 Toggle one/two pages display\nOne/Two Pages 58114 Next page\nNext Page 58115 Previous page\nPrev Page 58116 Print the active document\nPrint 58117 Zoom in\nZoom In 58118 Zoom out\nZoom Out